Direct seeded early zucchini are up!

Zucchini transplants have little fruits. I'll be grilling some up next week!

Bok choy is ready for market....

Tomatoes are growing fast most are knee high.

Potatoes are all up out of their hills.

Asparagus is done being harvested for the season. Second year asparagus on right was eaten. First year asparagus on left was left to grow.

The music garlic has just started to put up scapes. (the bright stalk in center of photo) Garlic scape is one of my favorite seasonal foods, always seems to fly by each year.

Can't see em in daylight but the fireflies have been lighting up the wetland at night. Makes for great walks by moonlight.

With the recent heat Popsicle season is in full swing. Today's special is blended pear with sea salt. (really good!)