The old farm was behind a preschool about ten minutes from Durango.
My booth at farmers market.
This is what a southwest Colorado hail dropping cloud looks like. About twenty minutes after I took this picture it hailed on the farm.
Heres a couple more market pics.
I had some chickens and ducks for awhile, but they were all killed by a racoon. Some day i would like to have them again, but that will be when i have the time and money to build them a fortress. Its not easy keeping them alive around here as every meat-eating animal likes to eat them.
Big squash harvest and a big onion harvest are really why i was able to put money down on a piece of land in Mancos.
These are the onions curing in the hoophouse.
Two quick months later I found a piece of land and the owners were willing to finance it for me.
This is what it looked like when I bought it in November:
Not much other than seven acres of swamp and three acres of pasture.
First thing i did was put up a mailbox. Then work was started on the barn.

Cold cloudy sunset.

Last winter I mostly stuck around and played carpenter, electrician, plumber, and painter.
Wiring the place took about 6 weeks LONGER than I thought it would. Plumbing about two weeks longer. Gotta love Montezuma county for the freedom to do things yourself!!
I estimate I did about 30,000 worth of skilled labor on it.

But how nice it is to have a home! With year-round running HOT water! I went six years without, so I still appreciate it everyday.
The big blaze of 2012. Mancos.
Menefee Mtn. Day one.

Farm and house and road g just before evacuating for the night.

The helicopter looks like a fly. They didn't even try putting it out, saved every house in the foothills though. Mancos was gratefull.

Not a whole lot would get done around here without lots of help weeding and harvesting.
I have got a great crew of 5 friends that help three days a week. This was the day in May when Cody and Kayla transplanted all of the tomatoes and peppers with me.
Building this big hoophouse took the three of us a couple weeks so the tomatoes were transplanted a bit later than previous years.

Here's Lieanne harvesting onions...

and a big basket of garlic scape!

Here's Kayla with a fresh garlic bulb.

Here she is again along with Cody on the day all of the garlic was harvested and hung to dry.

This is Cody getting an onion really clean.

There are a number of other farm Helpers but no photos of them just yet...

Here's the weekly potato harvest, and Chrissy with a heart shaped potato...

This is me harvesting beets through two inches of snow in mid October. We started the day harvesting tomatoes in the hoophouse because it was raining, but the rain turned to snow instead of clearing up.

Someone had the great idea of keeping a pot of hot water in the barn for thawing the hands. Washing all the veggies wouldn't have been possible without it!
And lots of tea...